Our Sport Utility line is made up of a variety of axes in various sizes for all axe related chores. The axe heads are made of 1060 steel with a “forged finish” (no paint) and sharpened for use right away. The handles are straight run American hickory with slim patterns made to feel good while swinging. The heads are hung proud using wooden and steel wedges. The heads have a light coat of boiled lindseed oil, to prevent rusting, be sure to keep the head oiled after each use or if stored for long periods of time – be sure to oil the top of the handle at the head. Handles have a light wax coating that will last a long time. If you feel the wax has worn off, you should coat the handle with boiled lindseed oil as well.
Sport Utility Axes
Our Sport Utility line is made up of a variety of axes in various sizes for all axe related chores. The axe heads are made of 1060 steel with a “forged finish” (no paint) and sharpened for use right away. The handles are straight run American hickory with slim patterns made to feel good while […]